

Q) I missed the delivery of my order today. What should I do?

The courier service delivering your order usually tries to deliver on the next business day in case you miss a delivery.

You can check your SMS for more details on when the courier service will try to deliver again.

Q) How do I know my order has been confirmed?

An e-mail & SMS will be sent once you've successfully placed your order. We'll also let you know as soon as the seller ships the item(s) to you along with the tracking number(s) for your shipment(s). You can track your orders from the 'My Orders' section on your Mrikanda Designs account.

Q) What to do if the product delivered is damaged?

Let us know Via email or contact us page. We will arrange for the pick up and process the refund. Any claim should be made with in 24 hours after item is delivered.

Q) Who created this platform?

After consulting with many experts in Digital Marketing, we choose UrbanFingers for executing our project because of their approach, dedication and knowledge in both business and technology.

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Shipping in India

Great Value & Quality